


Calling all NEW and returning Cardinals!

除了你的官方 取向 活动, join us this summer to explore opportunities, 认识新朋友, 参加独特的在线活动. Student leaders and staff in offices across campus are looking forward to connecting with you before you arrive in the fall. 请查看 options below, find the online events calendar 在这里, and follow the Office of Student Involvement on Instagram 为了跟上潮流. 希望今年夏天能见到你!



考虑住在校园里? 有趣的人在 住宿生活办公室 are active on Instagram for hall tours, housing options and campus living tips.  预计 私人电话 this summer to connect with someone on staff, and a 虚拟会议 to connect with your new community. 请查看 周五直播 events with Hall Directors who will be playing video games, giving cooking tutorials 和更多的, all while answering your most difficult questions!

社会企业家精神 conference


加入立博在线体育 社会影响 每一个 周三下午1点,Zoom频道. 这是 a weekly show highlighting all of the opportunities that the 社会影响中心 offers students and the community. Hear from students and alumni about student groups, programs and classes focused on all forms of "changemaking" - activism, 志愿服务, 社会企业家精神, 领导, 和更多的. 请查看 夏季时间表跟着立博在线体育走 Instagram,欢迎随时加入立博在线体育!



加入 信仰与行动办公室 为 12:5夏季系列 - brief, online worship services open to the campus community featuring music and a short reflection at 12:05pm June 9 and July 14 via 进行交流. 另外,请查看 焦点, a student-led worship community, on the last Wednesday of each month at 9pm on Zoom: 5月27日6月24日7月29日. 读 灵修》 从工作人员 信仰与行动, and from 焦点 students on the 专注Instagram.           



新生们,了解一下吧 总理的学者 summer bridge program at upcoming info sessions on Zoom:  June 16, 5-6pm and July 13, 12-1pm. 加入 虚拟对话 on Zoom for “Navigating Campus as a Student of Color” on June 25, 4-5pm, and "College Life During/After COVID” on July 30, 12-1pm. 请查看 Office of 多元文化事务 on Instagram for daily content, and for "Ask Me Anything" sessions on Premier and Cardinal Safe Zone. 



与…连接 职业发展办公室 通过 握手, the online hub for career exploration, and to make a one-on-one "welcome" appointment with a career coach. 加入 午餐时实时聊天 on Wednesdays at Noon to learn the current employment landscape. 还有,看看很多 tools to prepare for your future career: 图书馆资源 | InterviewPrep OptimalResume LinkedIn学习 CareerSpot视频



Stay fit and meet new friends this summer 通过 校园娱乐.  加入 1861年挑战 记录步行的里程数, 运行, bike) as the College community collectively attempts to tread 1,861 miles in June and July (you could earn a T-shirt!).  另外,请继续关注 REC体育Instagram page for info about an upcoming 虚拟5 k 七月,及 校内的电子竞技 for tournaments and challenges featuring a variety of games and multiple gaming systems. 



Are current events adding stress to your life? 加入 戴森健康中心 为“要脚踏实地," a fun virtual pop-up series for current and incoming students to help get connected and stay well. 加入通过 进行交流 every Thursday at Noon 通过 June 18.  You can also learn about the medical and mental health services that the 健康中心 offers on their 网站,或者跟随他们 Instagram.



If you're a first-generation college student*, check out our nationally-recognized 立博体育平台第一 程序和 这个列表 of the 100+ faculty and staff at North Central who are also first-gen. 加入立博在线体育 a variety of upcoming virtual workshops and group check-ins 通过out the summer; find all the details in the e-mails from cardinalfirst@noctrl.Edu和on 中心. (*defined as neither parent having completed a 4 year degree)



校园安全处 is 在这里 to ensure that your college experience is a safe one. 看看 "和导演一起吃甜甜圈" a bi-weekly touchpoint on Wednesday mornings w在这里 a member of the 领导 team will takeover social media to answer all of your questions. You can also follow the weekly Facebook posts on #TipTuesday for information that will help you stay alert and safe at home and school.